

Mindful through life with myeloma

During this weekend we want to deal with ourselves and our disease under expert guidance and especially strengthen our mindfulness in relation to the perception of our symptoms and side effects concerning the disease. The seminar is experiential and interactive. All documents as well as the exercise instructions will be made available as audio files afterwards.

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Prakriti Shakti - Gentle relaxation through natural medicine in the mountains of Kerala, India

The rolling, densely forested mountains of Panchalimedu in Kerala in southern India are home to a paradise for holistic health. Far from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it is possible to completely switch off and immerse yourself in nature here. During my stay in India this year, in the midst of the Corona pandemic, I spent eight days at this excellently run natural clinic to allow my body to regenerate.

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Vienna's University of Economics and Business

"Giving Back" to an Alma Mater - Skills for dealing with the unforeseeable VUCA world

Can understanding your mind, body and emotions and your patterns of behavior lead to less reactivity and more conscious action? Resilience is cultivated with various methods. One effective way of dealing with challenging times is through self-knowledge. This was enabled with a second group of interested participants at a hybrid workshop at Vienna's University of Economics and Business.

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Overcoming the crisis with resilience and mind leadership

Mit Resilienz und Mind-Leadership die Krise bewältigen – Ein erfolgreicher online-Workshop in der FH-Wiener Neustadt

Die aktuelle Krise, ein Virus, das die Welt seit fast zwei Jahren in Atem hält, über 5 Millionen Tote weltweit, steigende Infektionszahlen und der erneute Lockdown sind eine Herausforderung für jeden von uns. Eine Pandemie, die sich nicht nur auf eine Infektion beschränkt, sondern tiefgreifende wirtschaftliche, soziale, emotionale, gesellschaftliche und psychische Auswirkungen mit sich bringt.

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