Meditation instructions

Die Bergmeditation

Diese 12-minütige Atemmeditation wird Ihnen helfen, unter Verwendung des Bergsymbols zu entspannen.

The body scan

Enjoy a journey through your body fully aware of the sensations that are arising, as you flow through each region.

The universe in a raisin

Learn the first mindfulness practice in an 8-week stress reduction program.

Quiet as a lake

The visualization of a lake is suitable as a particularly helpful form of meditation. Water is receptive, it opens to everything and then closes again.

Breath meditation for relaxation in everyday life

A short meditation to experience your breath and to bring yourself into the present moment.

To listen become

A meditation of listening. A listening meditation uses sounds and the sound as an anchor, rather than the breath.

Kindness meditation

Erlebe die Natur der Freundlichkeit zu dir selbst und zu anderen.