
Four qualities of the heart for turbulent times

The wisdom of ancient India Four qualities of the heart for turbulent times Contemplative traditions have recognized the benefits of compassion for centuries. The capacities of friendliness, compassion, empathetic joy and equanimity, also known as the four “Immeasurables” or “Brahmaviharas” (abode of Brahma) in Buddhism are called the qualities of

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Stabilität – der unerschütterliche Berg in uns selbst

“Wenn deine Gedanken rasen und sich wiederholen, denke daran: Niemand kann dir so sehr schaden wie dein ungezähmter Geist. Wenn Sie in Resistenz gehen oder Schmerzen haben, denken Sie daran: Niemand kann Ihnen so sehr helfen wie ein ruhiger, klarer, gelassener Geist.” – Jack Kornfield In einer Zeit von Krieg,

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Living mindfully with myeloma

"With Myeloma in the Bag", an innovative seminar series of the Multiple Myeloma. Self-Help Group for patients on issues raised by living with myeloma. Seminar: Living with myeloma with mindfulness After a successful start last year, the seminar series "Mit dem Myelom im Gepäck" (With myeloma in your luggage) was continued in May of this year with the

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