

Overcoming the crisis with resilience through mind leadership – A successful online workshop at the University of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt

The current crisis, a virus that has kept the world on alert for almost two years, over 5 million deaths worldwide, rising infection rates and the renewed lockdown are a challenge for each one of us. An ongoing pandemic that is not limited to simply a viral infection, but one that has had profound economic, social, emotional, societal, and psychological effects on the planet.

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Mindfulness: an inner compass

Mindfulness: an inner compass

A tough year for us all has gone by since March 2020. Learning to deal and live with physical distancing, home-schooling and home-office, loss of jobs and income, the pain at losing some-one and not being able to clasp our parents, children or grandparents in our arms. A year of

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MBSR online, eine Bereicherung trotz social distancing

Auf Grund des zweiten Lockdowns, musste der MBSR-Kurs im November online gehalten werden. Sechs Teilnehmerinnen plus mich, als Trainerin fanden uns im Zoom-Meditationsraum für den ersten Kursabend ein. Ohne Anfahrtsweg, ohne Zeitdruck, ohne Befürchtungen sich zu verspäten oder den Kursraum nicht zu finden. Nach anfänglichen technischen hoppalas, saßen wir uns

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A weekend in silence – impressions, inspirations and insights

Last weekend I had the first opportunity to lead two “silent full-day retreats” in a row. The “day in silence retreat” supports participants in the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Program (MBSR for short) to strengthen and deepen the experience of mindfulness and is an essential part of the eight-weeks. Silence is

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